02/20/15 Just say
Fuck IT
Some days in recovery you just have to say fuck it. No not
fuck it to recovery, but fuck it to ED. To
trying to counter thoughts. To
trying to deal with emotion. You just have to say. Yes I’m scared, but I’m just
gonna do it and ED I will deal with you later. Tonight is one of those nights.

None of my support system was still up (i.e. trainer,
parents, fellow victors of ED). IT was just me, my food, and a decision.
Everything was swirling in my head and all I knew was eating was the only clear
right recovery thing. Yes, I could justify restricting because its so late and
I will weigh tomorrow because I am not ready not to. Heck..people in my support
may have even said it would be okay given the situation. But in my heart, I
knew I could push. I knew I could finish. I just needed the fear to go away,
And it wasn’t budging. I didn’t have time to sit back and
try and make it budge either. So I looked fear in the face. Said Fuck you,
stuck my middle finger up, and ate. It’s like drinking tea with your pinky up
to be polite in France….except there is no politeness. Just determination to
stick it to the monster that has ruled me so long.
Tonight ED can’t have me, fear can’t have me. Only God can
have me. Only God can carry me through. God is my only support awake right now
and God says I can and will do this. God says I can eat. God says He made time
and He made me. He didn’t make time to justify me not eating. God says I am a
beautiful creation made to do His work and I can’t if I am not fueled. And if I
don’t eat, I risk passing out at work tomorrow or worse. Plus, I just
remembered Sunday be 1 whole year on a meal plan. Something docs told me I
would never be able to do. Not throwing it away now.
So fuck you fear, fuck you ED. I’m eating, I’m recovering,
and I’m trusting the one thing that never let me down: God.