Hey guys---
- Ate what wanted without thinking cals (thanks pain meds for making me to out of it to care)
- Got bagel flavor I wanted and appropriate spread
- Was too tired to do strength training I’m allowed on cycling days so stretched instead
But I can’t just speak about all the good. I can’t pain that
my recovery is good right now, because it’s honestly shaky at best. Luckily
there was traffic today so I had some time to think about this. To try and
figure out what the heck is going on. I know it’s more than weight. I am
learning my ED spikes and has me concentrate on weight to distract me from
something else. I found several of those somethings today and I need to get
them out.
The surgery hit me again with painful missing of my dad and
all the grief I have pushe down came bubbling up. I have been trying to ignore
how mad and upset I am. How much I miss talking to my dad. How I hate going
home because when I have to come back to campus I have to face fact I didn’t
see him. How I don’t want to graduate without him there. How I am scared to
grow up without him. That last one I have realized is a big one
I am at a point I am making big decisions. I am going to
grad school and after two years will be in the workforce. I don’t feel ready
for that. I don’t feel ready for independence. I want to just hide away at home
and be taken care of. I am scared to have to take care of myself. I am scared
to be independent. I am scared of growing up.
I have always had these fears, but when my dad was around I
reassured myself by telling myself he would be there to guide me through. Just
like how he helped my brother transition to the workforce and move to Texas he
would be there for me. Any time I would tell him these fears he would tell me
to take it one step at a time. That he would be there to help me. Just to slow
down and take a breath.
But now he isn’t here and I am scared. I honestly don’t want
to grow up without him. I am scared I will make mistakes. I am scared without
him there I will turn into my worst fear. That I will go bankrupt or not find a
job. Have to move home. Not get married. Never accomplish my dream. And so I
just want to stay home and not go to grad school because I am scared. I just
want to wait till my dad comes back.
He had this way of looking at me and calming me…and I just
want that look, that comfort. I want the peace of knowing he will be there to
help me. My dad just…I don’t know..he seemed to have his life together. He wasn’t
in debt, he was doing what he loved. It hadn’t always been that way, but he had
worked through it all. I wanted to learn from him…and now he is gone.
Yes, I have my mom, but its not the same. She hasn’t always
been the best financially and she still doesn’t like her job. I honestly am
scared to be in the same financial state as her. And she doesn’t know a lot
about other things my dad helped with like computers and moving. I just…I
relied on him so much and always planned on him being there. Now there is nothing
I can do. I wish we hadn’t said we would talk about it when it happened…because
now he isn’t here to talk.
I feel alone….like I
am losing my family
This hit me hard this weekend. The biggest fear I had in
losing my dad…actually this comes way back from losing my grandpa in August…as
the family separating…and I feel like it’s happening. I already don’t hear from
my brother and now I don’t get to hear how he is doing from my dad. My dad’s
sister has reached out to me, but we just aren’t that close.
I am really just starting to miss my stepfamily. They are
the group of people where I feel I can be me. I am starting to feel this way
with my mom too as our relationship is forced to heal, but I don’t want to lose
my stepfamily. This was the first time going home not going to see my stepmom….and
I was home a whole week. It was her birthday and I wanted to see her. Had my
dad been around I would have. It would have been a family time, but things have
changed. We ended up not being able to get together because this year this celebration was hard for her. And that was hard for me. At first I thought I was hurt...and I am...but not by her. I am hurt by the loss of my dad. I am hurt that things have to be this way. Even moreso I am scared...scared this will slowly become normal and eventually we won't have a relationship.
It was just another
thing reminding me my dad wasn’t here. It was their anniversary and her b-day
this week…it just feels like we all should have been together. Like this aren’t
how they are supposed to be. And I can’t fix it. I can’t bring my dad back…and
I have to realize this is just how things were supposed to be…I just didn’t see
it coming.
So I am starting to feel alone and the one way I know how to
get nurturance and attention is my ED. I realized this use of my ED after my
surgery. I liked that the surgery went wrong and I was having complications
because people came around to support me. I felt cared for and loved. I guess I
just didn’t feel that way for so long that now I am desperate for it.
When my dad was here I could get my fill of love from a
simple call and I really miss it. I miss him. I miss the family time and how
being at his house and with my stepfamily made me feel whole. And I just feel
like everyone is slipping away again. I am recovering from surgery and so I am
scared if I recover from ED….no one will care. I used to ease this worry by
saying my dad has been and always would be there…but now…he isn’t here. So I
don’t know what to pinpoint.
Still…the hardest thing I am facing right now is feeling I
am losing my stepfamily. It hurts my heart so much. They are a connection to my
dad…and I just don’t want to let go.
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