May be triggering for
some as I mention specific foods…not numbers though!

For fruit..I have to do a different fruit for each of my 5
exchanges (though I can double on scary ones).
So my only options were melon, banana, or tangerine. Seeing as I am sick
as a dog…an acidic orange on my throat didn’t sound appealing. Melon sounded
safer…but honestly…I wanted this cute banana I had found in the dining hall.
But this would mean my second banana of the day. In the rush I was in I didn’t
care and just ate it.
Then came time for veg. I knew I wanted cherry tomatoes…but
I just couldn’t let myself have them. So I sent text to my support. But they
weren’t responding. Here I was…stuck. I needed to get started eating so I had
to make decision. I realized I had text them just hoping they would say do
tomatoes (as I knew they would)…but I could tell myself that. So I took of leap
of faith and did….and you know what..
I AM SO HAPPY! Really. I have been in a down funk the past
few days. Panicking, grumpy, tired. Yes…part of it is probably because I am
sick….but I also threw myself back into the number games these past few days. I
still did what I was supposed to..but the numbers were constantly swirling in
my mind.
I thought I would get some relief today at my N appt…but she
had to cancel for a family emergency. Then I thought spin would help, but it
was really lame and I made decision not to workout extra after. I bet that
helped this moment of freedom too. It kept me from being in the number game. I
just wanted to be normal.
And so it’s weird…but today the lack of support (due to my friends
having their own personal emergencies right now)..has almost helped. It has
kept me out of the number game. I have just made decisions based on what I
wanted or what I knew they would say was right (because I know in my heart it
is). It’s hard to trust myself like this…but it feels AMAZING.
Of course….it was short-lived and ED is yelling at me and
telling me all the ways I can compensate later. He is yelling about the numbers
with me, but the deed is done…and I am going to try and focus on this joy.
Because just those brief 30-seconds of a break from numbers. That moment when I
was normal and chose what I WANTED…it felt amazing…I felt free. ED always tells me numbers will bring me peace, but again I am seeing the opposite is true.
And I know the numbers have come up because of the blog I
wrote saying I wanted freedom from it. That’s how the enemy works. The one
place you strive for victory, he will try and stop you. But tonight…actually
all of today…God has won. In His strength, He has helped me overcome…and I know
He can tonight too. Thank you Lord for your Strength, for this moment of
freedom, and for all the moments to come. The Victory is Yours.
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