So just a warning....this post is pretty long....but it is a big breakthrough for me. Not sure if it will even make sense to anyone else...but for made a world of difference.
You see deep inside there was a tiny voice of reason saying:
“The number is up but not because of food. It’s because of water and poo, just
like it has been every other time this happens. Stick with your meal plan like
you have times before and you know that God will show the Truth. He won’t let
anything go out of control…including your weight. He knows that matters to you,
so it matters to Him to. He will take care of all your needs…including your
weight.” But that didn’t make sense to me. The number made sense to me. The
number could be explained by food…but by poo and water…no way. And only way to
correct too much food was to eat less.
Then the sermon started and I won’t share it all but you can
check it out here. But the jist was this. There are two thought paths to make a
decision based on….the undeniable….or the unexplainable. The unexplainable is
when we have seen something happen but we can’t explain why it happens and many
times this causes us to not accept it as truth. The undeniable on the other
hand is when you don’t have the facts to explain something…but you have
seen/are seeing it happen and so you accept it as truth.
And every day in life
we take the undeniable over the unexplainable.
Example….if you drive. Do you know the exact mechanics
behind the engine, gas, and all that hoopla that’s under the hood of a car…most
likely, not (and if you are like me you don’t even know which of the thingy
majigs is the engine anyway). But I bet at some point over this weekend you
drove or rode in a car…..because you know it works. You don’t know how…but you
have seen a car run, so you know it works and trust that. That is the
undeniable fact..the car runs….even though you can’t explain how.
Yet so many times with God and our life experiences…we stick
to the unexplainable. If it can’t be explained by our world view…then it can’t
be true. For me..I still struggle with seeing God form the world view of a
punisher…not of a God who cares. So for me…if I step on the scale or a bunch of
bad things happen in my life…instead of drawing closer to God and knowing that
He will see me through as He has so many times in the past (undeniable) I fit
my circumstances into my worldview and determine God doesn’t care because I am
such a screw up. Because in my world-view that is the only explanation that
fits….but it’s not reality. Of course stubborn me doesn’t see that in the
moment so I run away from God till I get worn down and exhausted and (like always)
run back to Him and trust in Him because I have lost all else…and He comes
Now how does this apply to my weight. Well…that was clear to
me all through the sermon though the sermon had nothing to do with the scale. Here is where it all came in. So many times in
recovery I ask God to take care of my weight, and every single time He does. My
weight fluctuates and sometimes this means extreme fluctuations…but it all
settles back down. This should prove the undeniable truth to me that my body can
be trusted….but that doesn’t fit in my view of my body. I think my body can’t
be trusted and that weight changes only reflect good/bad food and exercise
decisions. So every weigh-in I make rationalizations about choices I made that
have caused my weight to do whatever it did. Instead of accepting that my body
can be trusted…I find explanations…but then…then the weigh-ins happen that are
This has been the case the past few days. Before this
weigh-in I had been eating really scary foods really often and kicking butt at
my portions….and all the sudden…my weight drastically plummeted. It made no
sense. Not with my view of my body. I should be gaining….that’s all I could
think. This weigh-in was unexplainable in my own view. That was of course…unless
I admitted I was wrong…and saw what was undeniable. That my body could be
trusted, God cared about my weight and can control it without my help, and…that
maybe, just maybe, I needed more food. But again…that didn’t fit in my
ideals…my beliefs of my body. So I kept saying: :This is a fluctuation…just
wait till tomorrow…it’s just a fluctuation. Tomorrow would come and weight be
down or lower…again showing me the undeniable..but I went with explanations.
Then today hit….the weight gain I kept telling myself to
wait for. Then out the window went the undeniable…I clung to the facts I had.
Weight was up so all the foods I had eaten were bad and I obviously needed
less. I realized in the sermon how unfair this is. God give me weigh-in after
weigh-in of the undeniable truth of needing more nutrients or being able to
trust body and I wait and wait not accepting it….but then it takes one
weigh-in….one uptick and I throw everything undeniable out and decide it was
food that caused the “gain” and I need a decrease. It’s completely ludicrous.
But then there is that still small voice in me. The one
today speaking the undeniable. That this weigh-in sure I could make up
explanations for…but really it’s not explainable with food. I didn’t eat beyond
my meal plan and the food I ate wasn’t higher cal enough to cause a lb of real
gain. This had to be something other than food even though that doesn’t fit
into the facts and truths in my head. Even though to me that makes it
unexplainable and causes me to panic. But there is the undeniable…that these
fluctuations have happened before….and guess what….wt has always gone back
down. God has always shown me the Truth….and everything has been okay. That is
undeniable. But before I could accept that this weigh-in wasn’t about food…I
wanted the explanations as to what it was.
That’s when our pastor said that God sometimes shows us the
explanations…but not until we accept the undeniable. It was in that moment I
realized what I needed to do. I needed to throw aside the feeling of having to
explain this weigh-in and trust in the undeniable. That I had been losing prior
to this and that this was just a fluctuation…a normal fluctuation. I didn’t do
anything to make it happen…it just happened. That God would show me everything
would be okay. And the even bigger thing….that when weight does go down
again…it’s gonna be undeniable that I need increase. Sure I can’t explain it
because in my mind I can’t need more food, only less. I even have facts to
support the undeniable when my weight is going down.
But today….today I chose the undeniable. I chose to accept
that this uptick was just a fluctuation. I went home and ate b-fast while
planning out the rest of my full meal plan day. I refused to live in my world
view….my ED view of myself and God. I have chosen to accept the undeniable
truth that everything will be okay and I at least need this meal plan if not
more. It’s not comfortable…but then again neither is accepting that I am
ballooning when I know in my heart I am not. So today…today I believe the
undeniable Truth of my God and His love and desire for peace for me. I accept
that I don’t have all the answers and that only He does. I accept the time
after time He has proven my beliefs about my weight and body wrong....and that
this makes the undeniable completely
true and completely explainable. My body, food, and God can be trusted….that is
undeniable…and for today…I chose to accept that and to admit that my beliefs
are wrong. I chose to believe Him over me, to believe Truth over seemingly true
lies, and to accept the undeniable instead of the unexplainable.
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