But today….I faced a grey recovery dilemma. Originally I had
a pretty hectic day today, but my later appointments with my residents got
pushed to earlier. I got to finish all the work I needed to do. And I woke up
early enough to do my strength training in the morning. So it came 3:30 pm and
I had nothing to do. With classes over, there was nothing to study. And I am
not a reader or TV watcher, and I honestly don’t know
what I like to do for fun. I am just so used to go, go,go.
It was then I remembered I had seen PiYo on the extended
schedule for my school gym. This was a class I went to my junior year before I
was allowed to do spin. It’s pilate, yoga, and dance fusion and I remember enjoying
it…but didn’t remember it being “that” intense….whatever that means. Thought it
would be something fun to do tonight. Be the last time I could go to a PiYo
class at UGA too…problem was….today was only supposed to be strength day…and I
had already done strength.
I literally had no idea what to do. It wasn’t an ED decision
per se. I didn’t want to go with the motivation of burning calories..it just
honestly seemed like fun. But I could also see ED twisting it. I mean as soon
as I thought of going, the fear foods I am facing today got a lot less scary.
It seemed okay to eat them. And my fear of being “lazy” vanished. So I knew ED
was already looking at it as exercise. But still…I mean…I was willing to eat
more in order to go. But still…I just didn’t know what was recovery.
So I did the only thing I knew to do. I asked my support. I
was convinced someone would agree with me that it was okay and not ED and that
I could go. But then NONE of them agreed it was okay. What?! Here I was
convinced it wasn’t an ED decision and yet…no one agreed.
As soon as I started thinking of not going panic set in.
There was my last chance to go this year. If I didn’t go now…I couldn’t go
another time. And my gym at home doesn’t offer PiYO. So I felt like I was
missing out on a chance to exercise and that just felt wrong. I was missing out
on rekindling a love for some form of activity. I could just picture all the
people in the class exercising without me and it just felt wrong. Like I should
be there. And I really, really didn’t feel it was ED driving me to be there so
I felt I had the right to go.
I don’t want to live my life constantly scared if ED is
going to twist something and that is another reason I wanted to go. Because I
felt by going to PiYo I was living free from ED’s grasp, because I was doing
something not caring if ED twisted it tom. I figured if weight was down tom and
ED blamed PiYo I could just choose not to listen. But..if I am honest…I know
that isn’t as easy as it sounds. And I knew if weight wasn’t same/down ED would
yell at me and say horrible things because I had gone to PiYo. So as much as I
don’t want to live my life by how ED twist things….I also don’t want to lose
out on recovery by putting myself in a situation where ED can twist things.
This really is a hard decision and I am still going back and
forth on it.
- On one hand, don’t want to live life based on how ED twist things. Don’t want to miss out on opportunities because scared ED might twist them. Don’t want to go through life declining invitations because scared if ED will twist it to overexercise/restriction. But then again….no one is inviting me to PiYo. No one is going with me. And really…in a few years…or even a few months…heck probably in a few weeks will I really look back and say…man…sucks I missed out on that chance to go to PiYo?
- And then there is the other hand. Where I could choose to not go to PiYo because it wasn’t planned and I have already met my exercise limit for the week. But with that…it just feels like a missed out opportunity. And it just seems “wrong” not to go to a fitness class when I have time. I mean…I could go walk to Starbuck’s instead. Been craving one all day. And it’s beautiful outside. And ED doesn’t twist that because…well I don’t know why….he just doesn’t.
So sometimes recovery isn’t black or white. Thoughts aren’t
clearly ED or recovery. That’s when I think we have to focus even more. Find
the real root motivations and potential outcomes…and from there make a decision.
And sometimes we will get it wrong. Maybe I did tonight. I’m still not sure.
But I just have to make a decision and go with it. And today..I think the more
recovery decision is a walk to Starbucks.
And I hate to be approval-seeking….but what do you all
think? What would you have done? I am no recovery expert…so this is just my
experience and I don’t know if it was right…but it’s what I am choosing to do.
I think you made a wise, non-ED decision not to do the PiYO.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for posting both your triumphs and struggles here. It really helps me to know that there can be victories (even if we sometimes have to struggle to get to them) and that everyone falls sometimes. It's that we get back up and continue on (and thankfully we have a loving God to help us along the way!). Stay strong, keep writing, keep fighting. Peace.