So today’s church service was just what I needed to hear. It
was about inner revival and how that is how great earthly revivals start. Any
revival on earth started with one person choosing to pursue God no matter what.
Well God has called me to a revival of sort in my work with
people with ED…and that means I must commit myself to recovery from ED. It
means I need to ask the Lord and submit to a great moving within my heart to
release me from this ED. This means no matter how hard it gets, how much I am asked
to eat, how fast weight gain happens, how scary a fear food seems, I push
through relying on the Lord and His Strength. Pursuing Him knowing He is doing
a revival within me so I can help free others through Him and His work in me.
It just spoke again to me that my recovery journey can be a
source of healing for others. Not to make myself seem mighty at all, but it
just helps motivate me to stay the track. If I give into temptation…that’s no
motivation for others to push through when they are in the same fact it gives others the excuse they need to lapse too. But if
I push through and continue to be obedient to my team who are divinely put in
my life…continue to listen to the Spirit within me…then it will motivate others
to do the same..or so I hope.
This also means submitting to the Spirit in obedience to my
plan. However my nutritionist is “inspired” to change my plan or challenge me I
need to trust even if it doesn’t make sense. Instead of getting trapped in
trying to figure it all out or manipulate my team, I need to submit to their
guidance, trusting God has His Hand in it. I need to submit to this path of
recovery God has me on. This revival of recovery in my life. I need to stop
trying to figure it out, to plan, to manipulate, and just submit to it. By experiencing
the path and the fears that come with it, I can better help others going
through it. If I keep trying to forge my own path not only will I end up
miserable or possibly dead, but it will be harder for me to help others…to
spark the revival of recovery I so hope to be a part of for others.
After the sermon I got prayer and (thank God) got paired
with my pastor’s wife and it was an amazing session. One big thing that came
out of it is I need to cling to God and to the verse from Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust
in the Lord your God with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”
This means when weight gain seems too fast, when I hit a certain weight and
want to turn back, when meal plan seems to big, when ED is screaming about a
certain nutrient, when a fear food seems to big to overcome I need to whisper
or shout this to my soul. I need to realize my understanding is full of lies
about food and my body and that instead of clinging to my understanding I need
to trust the Lord, knowing His plans are good and He has and deserves all
control. Knowing He is loving and merciful and won’t let anything too scary
happen. Knowing He presents me with only the challenges He knows will make me
stronger and that I will overcome. I don’t need to understand all the time, I
just need to know and believe Him. And pray to Him when I am scared that He
gives me the strength to trust Him and not my own understanding. And that He
start to heal my mind so truth replaces the lies.
I also
got scared by the news of their death because I got scared with this lapse I am in and how
weak I am feeling..I don’t want to be the next soul lost because of this
disorder. I don’t want to die from this when I feel in my heart God is calling
me to be a part of bringing sufferers to Him so they can be healed. In
combating the enemy so he can’t steal more precious lives. I don’t want to die
because I have a unique story and I know my life has been exactly as it should
have been for me to be set up to reach these lost souls in a specific way. That
there are people I have not yet met that I am supposed to cross paths with to
help them and support them in healing from this horrible disease. If I am
dead…what if that means they die too. And I don’t want to die because of a
number. My life and my calling are more important than a number on a scale as
were the two precious lives lost this week. I want to stand firm against this
disease and the enemies use of it to claim innocent lives. It’s not okay and it
needs to end NOW! That starts with allowing for revival in me so I can be made
strong enough to help others.
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