So when I act in my is almost like a phantom pain. It's me thinking I am still chained. So used to the weight of the chain around me that I don't look down and see the shackles are broken. That all I need to do is walk in my freedom. Step out of the shackles. Leave the chains and bondage behind. The step out of the shackles and farther and farther from their shadow comes from obedience. But I don't have to fight. I mean I have to fight temptation, but no matter the temptation I know the truth..I am already free. God is already victorious. The chains are there, but they aren't connected to me.
So today, let's step out of our shackles and into freedom. Look down my brothers and sisters. It may feel you are still chained because that's been your reality for so long. But look. Open your eyes to what the enemy is hiding. The shackles are broken. Your chains have fallen off. All you have to do is step into freedom and out of the broken shackles at your feet. It won't be easy. It will be scary. But the Lord will be there. Every step of the way. And even if you run back a few times, He will be there. If you slip and fall, He will catch you. So just take the step. Step out of those shackles. You are a prisoner no more. You are free!
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