Sorry I haven’t been around much lately guys. Honestly…I hit
a rough patch. I’m not really sure when it started…but my old behaviors began
creeping back in. It could have been the stress of exams, this hopelessness and
fear I feel about my future, the realization I am graduating and that means
losing my N (more on this in a later post). I am really not sure. All I know is
I slowly started slipping, the scale started becoming my only focus, and then I
woke up with food poisoning today. Pretty much the perfect storm for a lapse.
And it did happen. I did cut out one of my snacks today. For some reason it
seemed the way to cope…but I’m sitting here not feeling any better.
What am I trying to cope with. Right now? The silence. I
feel so alone in life right now. I don’t know why. I spent time with my mom
this weekend, I am on a campus surrounded by people, and I have people who text
me during the day. But at the end of the day, or in those moments in the day
where there is nothing but work I am doing…I feel alone. And it scares me.
It’s in these moments grief comes back and hits hard. These
moments were the times I would call my dad. I remember I used to find any tiny
excuse to call him. I always felt I had to have a reason to call him…even
though I really just called to hear his voice. These past few days I have been
hit hard with the loss again. The fact that I have these silent moments and he
isn’t there to fill them. I close my eyes and can see him. I can feel his arms
around me. And yet…he isn’t here. I just feel this emptiness. This longing. And
I can’t satisfy it. I just want him back and nothing I can do can make that
happen…so I have been focusing on my weight instead. Something I feel I have
more control over. Something I can force to go my way. But at the end of the
day, in the silence, I still feel this loss.
I honestly don’t know what to do. I have never felt this
amount of grief and pain and ache. I know how I can make it right…I can get my
dad to come back to earth. Problem is…I’m not God. I can’t make that happen and
its not in God’s Will for it to happen. I know His Will is good. That His way
is greater than mine…but right the silence…I want my way to be right. I
want it to be the way. I want my dad so
this pain can go away. I just want this pain to stop…and it won’t. It won’t
ntil he is back.
I have escaped emotions using ED for my whole life, but
grief. This insurmountable grief. ED isn’t even big enough to overcome it. Even
restricting today I was consumed with thoughts of my dad. Memories of my dad.
The love for my dad. And the pain that he is not here. Part of me likes the
pain because it means I’m not moving on. But the other part…is just drained by
it. Consumed by it.
And a lot of it I know comes from realizing I will have lots
of goodbyes coming when I graduate. I am tired of having to say goodbye. I want
time to stop moving. I want things to just stand still. I feel like I jumped on
this train called life and its chugging down the track at a rapid pace and I’m
not ready. I don’t know where its taking me and I feel like its plowing down
the things I care about along the way without stopping to let me catch my
I’m also scared I am going to lose my stepfamily. I feel
like the longer my dad is gone the less they wonder about me. The less contact
we have. And the more silence creeps in. This scares me. I saw my mom’s family
fall apart when my aunt died. I saw my dad’s family distance when his parents
died. And I’m terrified me, my stepmom, and stepsiblings will distance now that
my dad is gone. I just can’t lose any more people. I just can’t.
Sorry this isn't cheerful. That there isn't some happy ending I have right now. But right now..I'm trying to be okay with not being okay.
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