So back to the meeting. It was amazing. My pastor spoke a
lot of truths into me and helped me to let go of the condemnation I was feeling
over my dad’s death. Thinking somehow I did something and God took my dad to
punish me. I know this isn’t logical at all and isn’t the nature of God…but it
was a lie the enemy was speaking into me. Luckily my pastor helped me
relinquish that lie. But he went even further. He spoke an amazing truth into
He told me he believed the last few years I had with my dad,
the way I saw him impact others lives, the ways I saw him overcome his own
struggles…those are my inheritance from my dad. The same way my dad changed
people’s lives, that is what I am meant to do. I am meant to continue the work
my dad started. As my pastor put it…there is a thick jungle ahead of me, but my
dad went through and took a machete to it…he cleared the path for me so I could
go on my way.
The aspect of the inheritance of my father comes from a
story I totally understand now…but when I first heard it didn’t get at all. It
is the story of Elijah and Elisha from 2 Kings Chapter 2. Elisha is Ellijah’s
student and everyone knows Elijah’s life is coming to an end. That the Lord is
going to come and take up Elijah in a chariot. Elisha thinks if he stays with
Elijah then this won’t happen. He refuses to leave Elijah’s side. I felt the
same way with my dad. I never thought he would die. I spent my days talking to
him. Precious moments together with him. I mean no one expected my dad to die
so it wasn’t quite the same, but I was still living life like God couldn’t take
my dad. I even had a dream a few weeks before my dad passed of my brother
calling and telling me he died. But I woke up thinking “well that will never
Just like me Elisha came to see that no matter what…when it
was Elijah’s time the Lord would take him. There was nothing he could do to
stop it.
“11 As they were walking along and talking together,
suddenly a chariot of fire and
horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to
heaven in a whirlwind. 12 Elisha saw this and cried out, “My father! My
father! The chariots and
horsemen of Israel!” And Elisha saw him no more. Then he took hold of his
garment and tore it in
felt the same way when I found out my
dad had passed. I felt like a fire had come down in my life and separated me
from the one I loved so dear. I didn’t tear my garment in two as a sign of
grief like Elisha, but I did relapse hard which is basically my equivalent. My
way to tell the world…look..I’m hurting, I’m grieving, someone help me.
the thing about this story is that a few days before Elijah is taken up this
9 When
they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before
I am taken from you?”
“Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied.
10 “You
have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said, “yet if you see me when I am taken
from you, it will be yours—otherwise, it will not.”
Of course my father and I didn’t have this conversation
because no one saw this coming. But we did talk a lot about my purpose. About
how I had the strength to overcome things. I believed I could and was meant to
help others because of how I saw my dad helping others. And my dad would speak
into me that I could and would help others. That when I was sick and tired of
ED I would break free and become who I was meant to be. He told me it would be
hard, but he knew it would be possible if I would see the truth.
Now onto the whole inheritance part of this. When Elijah was
taken up to heaven…his cloak fell behind.
13 Elisha
then picked up Elijah’s cloak that had fallen from him and went back and stood
on the bank of the Jordan. 14 He took
the cloak that
had fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it. “Where now is the Lord, the
God of Elijah?” he asked. When he struck the water, it divided to the right and
to the left, and he crossed over.15 The company of the prophets from Jericho, who were watching, said, “The spirit of Elijah is resting on Elisha.” And they went to meet him and bowed
to the ground before him.
My pastor today told me my father left behind a cloak for me. My
father spoke truth of freedom into me and he demonstrated the ability of one
life to touch and change so many others through his work life coaching, his
interactions with every day people, his unconditional love for his life, and
his relationship with me. These are all part of my father’s cloak which he has
left behind. My father changed so many lives and he left the generational gift
of this lifechanging spirit. The spirit to see others set free by the Truth of
God and the love of God…it is my father’s cloak and it’s lying at my feet. All
I have to do is pick it up.
This invigorated me. I felt that burning, stirring passion I have
felt these past few days. The passion to break free from ED. To step out of the
shackles God has already broken off me and be free so I can walk into the cells
around me and help others break free too. It is such the desire of my heart. It
was the desire of my dad’s heart for me. To see people set free was also the
mission and desire of my father. To see people walk in their strength and
identity. And he left that cloak for me to pick up. By recovering and letting
my story be a message to others.
My pastor told me he was sure of this because of the life he saw
in me in that office. When I talked about my dad and my passion for social
work. He said there was just an energy…something in my smile that just lit up
the room. These were all things my dad told me too. I felt him there with us.
So I sit here wondering what cloaks you all have to pick up. I
honestly don’t think you have to lose someone to have a cloak at your feet.
Sure, for me, the cloak seemed to fall at my feet to pick up where my dad left
off changing this world because I lost him. But I bet if you take a look..there
is a cloak at your feet too. Maybe it’s a calling you just know you are
supposed to go to. Or maybe it’s a dream you have always wanted to pursue.
Maybe it’s the truth that you are set free and just have to walk in that
freedom….that the victory is already sealed. I don’t know what it is…but I bet
you do. All that’s left to do is pick up the cloak.
You may be scared…heck you may be picking it up angry like Elisha.
Angry that it’s all you have right now. For me it’s hard because I have my dad’s
cloak but I’m still mad I can’t have my dad. But that won’t stop me from
picking up the cloak he left behind. Now take your cloak, go to the water, cry
out to God…and see the ocean before you part. See your path, your destiny, your
truth before you. Pick up your cloak…and be free.
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