Well today was a snow day which meant all classes cancelled.
Most people on campus excited about this and part of me was t. But the ED part
of me was not. In ED’s world all this meant was I would be walking less and would
miss spin class. So ED crafted a nifty illusion. He told me I had to do an hour
workout because I didn’t have spin. Otherwise it just wouldn’t be right of me.
And I knew I had a choice. I knew I could choose to just take the day off…but
instead I chose to negotiate with my hostage taker. Bad choice.
I decided I would base my decision off of the scale. I now
see that wasn’t making a choice at all. It was letting a number rule me again.
ED told me I had to weigh today anyway because I was supposed to originally
when I had a N session today (that was cancelled because of the snow too). The
truth: I could have chosen not to weigh. To decide to take a rest day because I
needed to. But that is not the choice I made and because weight slightly up I
decided to exercise.
I won’t get into details, but ED took hold fast at that
point. He knew he had me. He took control of my exercise decisions and my
morning. Over and over making me feel I didn’t have a choice.
I started to panic. ED told me I couldn’t eat what I was
craving…just think of the calories. I couldn’t do it. But thinking of eating
what ED planned made me feel miserable. Surprise, surprise…ED makes me feel miserable.
Same old story. So I went to dining hall planning on getting what ED wanted. I
literally felt chained down. Each step to the dining hall I felt I was marching
to my prison.
I did the only thing I could think. I texted my support. But
no one responded. I was at that place I talked about a few posts ago. Alone.
Just me, myself, and my moments. So I decided to journal. And I realized ED was
lying to me. ED was telling me I had no choice because of the calories. ED was
telling me I had to obey him because I had earlier that day. But these were all
At first I thought: “Okay. I will just do some of the things
I want, but “balance them out” with what ED wanted.” Then I remembered this
morning. Where negotiating with ED had gotten me. I realized I could choose
freedom. Choose my purpose. Or I could choose ED. And giving ED any pleasure by
letting him choose even a single part of the meals and snacks I had left…that
wasn’t choosing my purpose. So I chose my purpose. I chose to eat what I
wanted. To know the calories and do it anyway.
I am scared….that is so true. But I am also excited and
happy. I am happy because I am doing what I wanted. That little girl inside is
smiling because I am telling her its okay to eat. That the numbers she was made
slave to don’t have to control her anymore. That what she wants matters. And I’m
excited because by disobeying ED I have the opportunity to see he is wrong.
This is the reality of what ED looks like. You really want that making your decisions? |
So when ED says you don’t have a choice stop in your tracks.
Stop and realize your choices. Because ED will only tell you you don’t have a
choice when he gets scared. When he realizes how strong you are and that if you
choose to go against him you will be free. When he realizes you are outsmarting
him and seeing him for the scrawny, puny, liar he is. So stop, realize your
choices, and choose the scarier one, the freeing one, the one ED is screaming
not to take. That choice is where you will find freedom, peace, and Truth. That
is the choice you deserve.
Oh..and in case you are curious…here were my choices.
- For Lunch ED wanted my usual safe options for veggie and starches. I chose to do broccoli, sweet potato, and black beans!
- For dinner ED wanted oatmeal for 2 starches which actually is against my plan. I went with grits like I wanted.
Comment below or
e-mail me or use the comment form to let me know whether you all want me to
post pics of my freedom foods/meals. Also, whether you want me to post my
freedom foods list and update it as I face things. Love you all!
Would definitely love to see your freedom food photos & lists, Jess!