I actually wrote this on Jan 21st, but I am
trying a delayed post thing…so you all will either get a double dose, or this
will work and not post till tomorrow (the 22nd). Either way, this
has been awesome! I went to a class taught by my nutritionist and I think I
have found something that will help me when I dive back into recovery. I am
armed with facts and education. Things I can use to combat ED when he is
So these are all around behaviors I hate to do but that ED
makes me do. Basically he uses the same argument all the time. If you don’t do
this you will get more calories and gain even faster than you already are. And
you know what. He’s right. I will be getting more calories. Now I don’t know
about gaining more rapidly, but once I get back in recovery the goal will be
weight gain.
So yes, I will gain weight. But guess what? I will be free.
And guess what else. My metabolism, fueled by the added wood (food) added to
the fire (the metabolism) will speed up and then I will eat this amount, stop
gaining, and have to get an increase. And then ED won’t be able to yell and I
will be completely free. Worth a little gain? I think so.
So here we go and I hope it helps you all too. I broke it up
based off the food group because I struggle with aspects for all of them. In
the end though I now see the power in food and something crucial. Doing these things
will mean more calories but also more freedom. My metabolism will adjust to
more calories and I will maintain on my meal plan and need more as my N says.
Therefore I can deal with the more calories. My life won’t adjust to all the
sudden give me more freedom though or make this less scary. So I HAVE TO do this.
My metabolism will adjust on its own…but ED’s control..it will only move if I
shove ED over by doing the next right thing.
You don’t need to restrict
or weigh your veggies. Why?
Fruits and veggies are both amazing sources of vitamins, including
antioxidants A, D, and E which are amazing to help you beat cancer. The more
fruit/veg, the more vitamins and stronger your body is to fight cancer! They
also have flavonoids which reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer!
You have no need to fear
fruits and veggies. Why?
You only fear them because of higher calories, but
the ones you fear are usually amazing sources of phytochemicals. Need proof?
carotenoids (antioxidants prevent cancer), suforaphane and dithiolthiones
(block carcinogen damage)
carrots: carotenoids again!
Grapes, prunes,
other fruits: Caffeic acid (excretes carcinogens), ferulic acid (removes
So don’t fear these foods…just find out why they are so
good and what they provide and be happy they are protecting you!
You don’t need to eat
fiber one or other high-fiber items. Why?
You already eat a plant-based diet with fruits and veggies.
You get NATURAL fiber no need for extra.
Also, you don’t need high fiber. High fiber might be needed if you have high
cholesterol issues, but you don’t because you are afraid of animal-based fats
and thus don’t get them in your diet. So no worries for cholesterol and no
worries for fiber.
More calories means more nutrients and carbs..they
are power packed! Carbohydrates are source of immediate energy through glucose (who needs
energy drinks..I got carbs!) and reserved energy through glycogen for my
workouts and just those long days. Not
only that, but carbs are the brains preferred fuel source. You need 130g carbs
minimum just for brain to function! So yes..you may get slightly more cals…probably
insignificant…but what is significant is all the energy and freedom you will get
You don’t need to weigh
your bagels or tear them to perfect size. Why? Sure it may have slightly
more calories, but may have slightly less. In the end it all balances out and
if it is a larger
bagel just means more nutrients and more of the benefits seen above. More
energy, better brain function, more reserves so you can keep kicking ass!
You don’t need to fear or
avoid beans. Why? Beans are awesome and not only provide benefits of
proteins, carbs, and fiber but also have several phytochemicals that fight
cancer! Think I’m lying..nope. Protease inhibitors slow tumor growth,
phytoesterols prevent colon cancer, isoflavones reduce risk of breast and
ovarian cancers, and saponins prevent cancer cell multiplication. So bring on
the beans!
Last, but certainly not
least and the thing I have always, always struggled with. You do not need to
restrict fats, spill fats, or choose low-fat options for fat exchanges. You don’t
need to avoid peanut butter your favorite food. Why? First off, fats don’t
make you fat, but you don’t believe that I know. So instead here is what I can
gurantee you fat does do. Amazing things. Fats provide an energy reserve especially when stored. That’s
right..you need to store fat. But don’t let ED get you…fats are crucially used
so you won’t store them all. Fats insulate the body from temperature extremes. That’s
right..you won’t freeze in the
summer and have to wear hoodies all the time if you eat some fats. They protect
the organs from shock from running, jumping, or any sudden movements. In
fact without enough fat, your organs aren’t held in place and just jostle
around so every step you take you are risking your organs hitting too hard and
being damaged. And lastly…all those carbs and protein you worked so hard to
face….they can’t be used by the body efficiently without fat. And the
fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K from these food can’t be absorbed at all
without fat. Don’t let your hard work go to waste..eat your fats. Real
fats, full fats, fabulous fats.
I hoped this helped you all as much as it did me.
I honestly think this is a technique I will use if I know a freedom food will
be too scary. I will ask my N what it provides me and then will let that be the
focus, not whatever ED is yelling about. Love you all!
What of
these was most suprising to you?
How can you
use this to fight your ED or to make your diet even more power-packed?
Email or
comment me J
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