Dear Jess—

My brain screamed. ED yelled at me. I had already
challenged myself with sweet potatoes. My timing was good. And I was freaking
eating meal plan. What?! Well I tried something different today. Instead of hopping
down that rabbit trail I got on my knees and I prayed the serenity prayer. I
prayed that God help me know he is in control of my body, of weight, of
calories. I was given instruction through exchanges…that is how I should think.
That He allow me to enjoy the meal and bless it to the nourishment of my body.
Let me just say…it didn’t provide answers or logic. I didn’t feel any better or
feel I wasn’t going to balloon. But I felt peace. And I decided only one way to
prove ED wrong…to do the next right thing and eat the dinner and snacks I
It may have taken me 30 days to do it. But’s
better late than never. I still don't feel proud, but hey I don't feel as miserable as I did 31 days ago. So I got my red chip and felt a little proud...but I still want to weigh less...ED is still there...I even dreamed of drinking...but I wanted my red chip and I got it. I have no motivation to stick to plan tomorrow if weight still not down...but I will deal with tomorrow tomorrow. For now...focus on today.
Yours truly (because I can't say love yet)
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