Jan 15, 2013

did I know my dad had a whole lesson in it for me. It all started with my balloon. My balloon..tied with all my insecurities and struggles…a little representation of me…this is its story.
I released the balloon expecting it to fly away with all the
others that floated freely to the sky, but things didn’t work out that way. My
little balloon and two others got stuck in a tree. The other balloons floated
away in peace….freeing their holders of the captivity of what they wrote. But
mine…it got stuck. I could relate to the little balloon. As it watched its
friends go on. Recover, laugh, be free. As it watched the other balloons
flying free it reminded me of watching others around me recover, watching
people in the dining hall eat whatever they want, and feeling stuck. Wishing I too could be free. But being
held back, trapped in the branches of life, loss, and ED.
The other two balloons stuck behind almost gave up. Just
hung themselves in the branches deeming life was just too hard. There was no
reason to fight. But not my balloon. We all stood in wonder as it pushed
through the branches. It got tangled up but then reversed itself. I could see
it struggling. Trying to take lunges forward, but it was held back by the paper
tied to it. Held back by the worries, insecurities, fear. But it kept fighting.
It was so desperate to be free. It didn’t want to give up. This balloon was me.
Fighting against life…trying to break free. Sometimes I make mistakes and get
myself more stuck, but then I reverse and try another way…try again. But I keep
being held back by my fear, insecurities, doubts.

The balloon took off. This was its chance for freedom, for
victory, but the paper pulled it down, another tree came, and again it sat
stuck. I know how it felt. I push so hard in recovery sometimes. Get up the
courage and strength to face my fears and commit to recovery, then something
comes along whether it be the 90 lb mark, unforeseen death of my dad, stress,
whatever branches life puts out in front of me and I get stuck.
Honestly in that predicament the balloon was exactly where I
am right now. I just feel so tired of fighting..I just keep getting stuck. Life
keeps happening. ED seems the thing to cling onto, but all that is
doing…clinging to ED…is getting me stuck in the tree. I watched the little
balloon. I didn’t want to give up on it…honestly..because I didn’t want to give
up on myself. If that balloon stayed stuck what would it mean for me? That I
really can’t let go of all these things? That I won’t be free.

I enjoyed the time with my friend but still I thought of
that little balloon…out there in the dark..alone. Was it still fighting? Was it
free? Had it given up? It was so hard to leave it alone, but there was nothing
I could do to help it.
After dinner I went back to my dorm and as I passed the tree
where I had left the balloon I wearily looked up. All I saw was sky. That’s
right..no balloon. I even looked nearby on the ground to see if it had popped
and fallen. I looked to the trees nearby sure it had gotten snagged somewhere
else. But it was nowhere to be found…it was free. Tears started to well in my
You see this balloon had struggled, been trapped, broken
free only to be stuck again and again. To have life and ED hold it back.
Finally people left it…moved on with their lives hoping, praying it would be
free but knowing there was nothing they could do. This balloon…left alone..it
found its own strength. It kept fighting. It never gave up. It didn’t let
anyone or anything tell it it couldn’t be free. That it wasn’t strong enough of
good enough. And left there alone…it relied on its ownstrength…it fought for
itself..it fought for what it wanted. Not to prove anything to anyone because
no one was there. But just to be free..because that was it wanted. It fought
for itself not for anyone else. And it was in that moment…alone…being strong in
itself…it broke free.
This is me. I am here…I have a N, I have friends, I have
family. They are praying and hoping for my recovery..but I am sitting
here..alone. I have to do this for myself. For my dreams. For ME.
The branches aren’t gonna move…life will keep happening.
The paper won’t fall…ED and fears will still be there.
No one is going to climb up and save me…I just have myself
and my God.
But if I keep fighting….if I fight for me and rely on the
strength of my God…I will have that final push I need to be free. I will get
that final gust of wind and break free. I don’t need someone cheering me on. I
don’t need (though I want) my dad physically there. I just have to know people
are hoping in me…I have to believe in myself..fight for my dreams…and I will be
free. Life will try to hold me back, fear will try to hold me back, but I have
the fight and strength to be free.

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