Monday, January 20, 2014

A Vow to Myself and You all

Hey everyone--

This is a short and sweet post, but I wanted to put it out there so people can hold me accountable. I talked with my stepmom and through our conversation realized I need to get back to blogging for several reasons. For one, it's healing for me. Even if nobody reads helps me and I need that. I need to help get things out of my mind and onto paper. Two, it is a resource I can look back on later in life when I work with people with eating disorders. I will be able to look back and remember what it was like. And three, because there are amazing people like you out there reading and I am hoping my recovery, honesty, journey can help others.

I struggle with making time for myself so I keep on putting off blogging. And honestly,  the less I've blogged the deeper I have gone with ED and now I am back to dropping snacks and wanting to exercise. Sure, I do shout outs for help on Facebook or MFP, but that isn't healing. All it does is get ED out of my head, but I don't process it. So I need to commit. I need to prioritize me. I need to get back to blogging

To ease my way into it I am going to commit to blogging about my day/ recovery at least three times a week and once will be on weekend (when I struggle most). I also want to blog my random insights and such, but I think reflecting on my struggles is something I need to do to. Because it's not all rainbows and roses...and people need to see that.

That being said I also need to make this healing and so at the end of every post, no matter how ED-driven or deep I am when I write it. I will stop, pray, reflect, and try and write something...ANYTHING...that is positive and how I can work towards recovery.

This will be part of the one strong campaign I am doing for my dad. I will definitely blog more about that later. Maybe tomorrow. There we go...already have a topic. Now I'm off to face freedom food of Cookie Crisp cereal. Wish me luck...and keep fighting (and reading please..and all don't know how much the comments make me remember I matter and this blog matters).

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